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Hello I am Jimmy and this is my E-portfolio.  I am in fifth grade at AdVENTURE Stems (Science, Technology, English, Math and Social Study's).  I like AdVENTURE for many reasons.  One, they let you use technology all the time.  You get to code a game in Flash.  I know that learning how to use computers is very important because I live in Silicon Valley.  At my old school, we had computers that were older than I am!  It would take all of computer lab to load a page.  


Compared to my last school, AdVENTURE is better because I only had one teacher there.  I had to chop up my school day into different parts.  I would only get about 10 minutes of solid learning.  Now I get a full hour per period.  Sometimes I get to walk to school with a friend that goes to my old school.  One day I asked him what he was learning in class and he said the human body.  I was suprised because I learned that 3 months earlier at AdVENTURE.


Finally, for me AdVENTURE means lots of science.  It's my favorite class  because when I grow up I want to be a brain surgeon or a vet.  I get to do fun experiments at AdVENTURE.  I get way more science now than before.  They really focused on math instead of anything else.


I have done many projects this year.  In this web site I will tell you one project from each of my classes.  For Globaloria, I have my mini game.  For science, I have my eco-house with Marek, Rohan, and Alex.  CORE, I am explaining my play.  Finally for math, I designed a playground.


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